Transcript of the Video:
Hello this video will show you how to add the staff more attorneys paralegals and other internal staff in your firm. This is the main screen when you login.
Go to the staff manager, when you click on this button
you'll be directed to this screen,
where do you see your existing staff members
and option to add attorney, paralegal, admin staff another assistant type of user.
Lets say you want to add an attorney, name email address phone number and location you would have at least one location already
Designated for you when you sign up with immicompliance so you'll have that you can also assign them to a group about the again you can do this later you can.
I like the location of Select if you want to be more particular about this attorney in practicing in particular State and what kind of a practice they are .
involved with
And also give them the permission to different moduls that you have, now in the case list you have multiple options you can limit the attorney or any other user too, like you can only allow them to certain parts of the case process or you can assign them to the whole case module, and give them a password and what happens is you can hand over this password to the user directly yourself and they will receive a link via email to this email and they can log in using the password and user ID user ID being the email they can use those user ID password to log into the system since it has internal system user you have to provide them the password okay what are the password you set up for them. Now, if you were to add a paralegal.
You have the same kind of setup but here you don't have a lot more options but you can just give the name of the paralegal email address phone number and location and that you can .
Like if you want this paralegal to bill hourly you can.
Click on this so we can collect the time spent by this paralegal on a particular case we can do that. But if you don't need to, don't have to. All you need is select the models that you want to provide access to this particular paralegal and you give a password that's about.
Thank you very much.